Thread: Going Pro
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Old 09-12-2007, 06:13 AM
dfwdevil dfwdevil is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 13
Default Re: Going Pro

if you haven't got a wife or kids, then consequences be damned. stop being a sissy and just go for it. a single guy can withstand the ups and downs of being broke. you can "drive the truck" for a few months if you lose your roll in a real blood game over at KGB's. presumably, you can go back to whatever it is you're doing now. better a rough year or two than missing out on your slice of the good life because you listened to all the naysayers and the responsibility nazis and every other meek, poverty-fearing tom dick and harry. ask stuey ungar how to make the money, he knew. just stay clear of the drugs.

most of the real trouble in poker comes from playing with your kid's child support money, or the equivalent. just keep your nose clean and who cares if you lose every penny. it'll make for a good story someday. and of course, you don't have to lose. that's far from a foregone conclusion.

good luck either way~
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