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Old 09-11-2007, 04:08 PM
Albert Moulton Albert Moulton is offline
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Default Re: NL 400 - Kings easy fold?

Let's assume AA, KK, and QQ reraise preflop, but AQ/KQs might just call.

Let's also assume that he isn't playing total rags.

That puts his most likely range at 99, 88, 89s, JTx, AQx, KQs, and an OOP c/r semi-bluff with some kind of pair plus gutshot (i.e. TT). I'd discount TT down to just one combination of TT or maybe 2 since that kind of play seems very unlikely.

Pokerstove KsKh vs that range. I think you're getting about 1.45:1 pot odds to call. If you have at least 41% Equity vs his range, then call. I wouldn't worry too much about CO so much as worrying about SB.

I suspect its a fold, but I don't have pokerstove right now. And obviously the decision varies depending on the range you put him on if it is different than mine.
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