Thread: Stay the Course
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Old 09-11-2007, 03:16 PM
warrantofice warrantofice is offline
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Default Re: Stay the Course

I think the US should stay in Iraq, but not for the reason that DING-DONG YO gave. As soon as the US leaves there will be a massive amount of bloodshed, if the US stays it's basically just delaying the inevitable. After the Iraqi's get tired of killing themselves without the US to supervise, i suspect that Iran and/or another neighboring country will step in and fill the vacuum. Iran will not allow for some random faction to take hold of Iraq, it could destablize the region even more.

US must stay in Iraq is to control the export of oil, as soon as they leave, and assuming that Iran takes control of Iraq, they really won't have much say from them as oil producers, even though Saudia Arabia produces more than enough oil and could easily make up for a drop in production from Iraq and Iran (though not without a price increase) Add this to the fact that Iran has demonstrated its new missile capabilities which can basically destroy any oil tanker in the region, thus allowign them to eliminate access to the largest oil reserves in the world.

I would persume that the only way that the US can safely leave Iraq, is once they have begun to transition towards less petroleum based economy or to secure its own source of petroleum, which it would need basically complete control over....So, obv the US seems like its a million years away from any sort of change towards its petroleum consumption, so I think you'll look to seem it securing resources were it can, and also the construction of some coal to oil conversion plants. Similar to the ones in South Africa.

Anyways, I don't think you'll see the US leaving Iraq any time soon, not until they have their energy resources secured.
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