Thread: Pilates
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Old 09-11-2007, 02:30 PM
droopy0021 droopy0021 is offline
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Default Re: Pilates

Pilates does a good job working the core and focusing on other bodyweight exercises. I took one of the free classes (with my wife and a friend of hers). Athletes do/have used Pilates (Brett Favre is one) to better condition themselves.

Couple pointers:

* class will most likely be filled with women--can't think of the downside to that
* make sure it's a beginning class otherwise you may get embarassed (advanced workouts aren't easy)
* be prepared for an out of shape woman to fart while doing some of the exercises, happened in my class. The wife & I were amused

I'd recommend it. I'm open to any new workouts to vary the routine and also maybe find something new that keeps your interest.
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