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Old 09-11-2007, 10:52 AM
Steven_Q_Erkel Steven_Q_Erkel is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: White Rock.
Posts: 579
Default Re: Your most memorable Birthday

On my 21st, the summer before last, I stumbled outside to be greeted by 1 cop telling me that they were tired of always having to break up our parties so they had brought the bulk of the force to intimidate us/throw as many fines around as possible. Long story short our house party of ~150-200 people turned into a giant game of commando's as everybody was trying to run/sneak there way 4-5 blocks down the street to the beach to keep the party alive while avoiding half a dozen police cruisers, paddy wagons, cops patrolling, a helicopter spotlight, and 2 coast guard boats waiting at the beach to ticket anyone who did make it.
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