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Old 09-11-2007, 10:35 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Default Re: How do you keep track of players\' tendencies live

the more you play live, the easier it gets.

One thing you can do is to narrate all the action to yourself, whether you are in a hand or not. It also helps to have archetypes in your mind for how people play in the game you are playing. That way, you can just compare specific players to eachother.

One thing I do is ask myself "who is the tightest player here?"
"Who is the one least likely to bluff?"
"Who will I basically never fold against?"
etc etc
Once you answer those questions, put people on gradations.
A method like this is described in the psychology of poker by schoonmaker, but there's no reason you HAVE TO follow that by rote
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