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Old 09-11-2007, 02:27 AM
Dominic Dominic is offline
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Default Re: Lets talk about love TLDR!

obviously, you're asking about romantic love, correct?

in that regard, I believe true love to be a complete and total commitment to the other person. Their dreams and hopes and fears and insecurities become just as important to you as your own.

It's caring more for the welfare of that other person than your own.

Finally, it's accepting that other person fully, flaws and all. You don't have to like every little thing about the person you love (and believe me, you won't) but if you truly do care for and love that person the things that do bother you will remain small and unimportant, at least in the bigger picture.

You don't have to be identical, you don't have to be completey's a connection, pure and simple, and once you're in it you can't imagine not being in it. The other person becomes as much a part of you as your left's a feeling that is both intimate and unique, yet with the right person, it's also liberating and always worthwhile.

People in love are considerate of one another, and make concessions for one another's views and desires...but don't confuse consideration for "sacrifice." If you feel like you are sacrifcing something by being with someone, you are not truly in love.

The difference is a desire to make concessions and work at it with love, and not a "that bitch won't let me buy the motorcycle I want" style of resentment.

finally, people in love truly like one another and want to spend time with their significant other. Passion waxes and wanes, but if you don't really enjoy spending time with that person when your not in a passionate mood, you're relationship is in trouble.

Anyway, my two cents.
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