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Old 09-11-2007, 12:55 AM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Default Re: 2008 Presidential Primaries

I really doubt we have a clear-cut choice for Pres. Our weight will be behind House and Senate races. Yes, to whoeve said it, Im holding out that a Republican or Democrat gets desperate for votes and comes knocking. Feb 5 will determine the nominee, not interest groups. The work will be after, probably.

What I WANT DESPERATELY TO AVOID is some sort of whacky movement to get behind RP with weight. Vote your conscious or interest or both. But, don't tie RP around our neck like a huge weightstone. We will drown, and ANY cred we build up will be lost with the mainstream parties. "Oh they are just more tinfoil hat TriLat conspiracy nuts, let them vote for Nader or Browne." RP has no [censored] sense. None. He had a chance before the debates started to hone his message, shut up about the stupid [censored], and win some backing. His war message is good, and his poker stance is. Everything else is from some whacky militia conspiracy novella. We need to keep our official distance.

Engineer, just a thing about what you left out on what an average non FoFNazi Republican voter wants.
1A. Competence. You need to be able to trust him to run the government well.
1. Pro Smaller government
2. Pro Lower Taxes
3. Strong on National DEFENSE....

Maybe RP is there with taxes and small gov't but 1A and 3, hell no.
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