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Old 09-10-2007, 10:25 PM
dylan's alias dylan's alias is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Re: iPhone vs iPod Touch: What say you EDF?

I've been rethinking my stance. I absolutely will not get an iPhone, because an all-in-one device has no appeal to me. As I said earlier, I am stuck with a PDA phone for work and want to get a small phone for personal use.

My music library is currently at 140gb and I have about 200 cd's I am in the process of ripping, but I really don't need it all available at once. I was reading some of the early reviews of the 160gb Classic on the Apple forums, and there seems to be a major issue with scrolling speed that may be related to the new graphical interface, but may just be a problem of that huge a hard drive.

My old 15gb iPod is pretty much permanently in my car and I haven't changed the music on it in a really long time. A 16 gb iTouch might be really nice to carry around. Since it won't be stuck in my car, I'll be much more likely to refresh the contents often.

As for the web issues, I really don't need the ability to surf the web wirelessly. I rarely use the internet on my PDA, so I won't miss out on much.

I still think I'd like to hold out for 32gb, (or at least until the product is delivered and I can see what problems there are with the first model) but I certainly wouldn't mind if one magically appeared during the holidays.
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