Thread: herd mentality
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Old 09-10-2007, 08:52 PM
chcheers chcheers is offline
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Default Re: herd mentality

In my experience, the heard mentality is only a temporarily satisfying end. It's the line of thinking of 'well I'm doing better than x%, so I won't try any harder.' Everyone else is doing x, so there can't be any harm in it', etc. You just go along with what everyone else is doing and end up measuring yourself against their medicrocu(which feels itself) instead of your own potential, and the end result is that you feel unfulfilled.

It's not hard to break free of the heard mentality. There's just so many people stuck in that state of mind. I'm still stuck in it. You just have to keep working towards what you want and ignore/get rid of anyone that gets in your way.
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