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Old 09-10-2007, 08:47 PM
Hiiiiiiii Hiiiiiiii is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 524
Default Thinking about becoming a trader...

Hi everyone. I am currently enrolled in grad school for an MFA and I am sure that the degree will not be life changing for me. I just started classes last week and still have not paid for tuition for the semester, and I am not sure I am going to.

I believe the degree will help me get a better job when I graduate compared to the entry level job I could get now. However, I am not impressed with the facilities or the professors at all! I can't stand the students very much either...

I am very interested in design, but I am even more interested in the stock market. I was an economics minor during my undergrad and found these classes much more relevant than my design classes.

So, I really want to start trading. I am not keen on wearing a suit and tie everyday and taking orders from people all day long, but I am sure I could suck it up and do this. What I would love to do is trade from home and eventually start my own fund.

However, I don't have much, if any, experience trading and want to know how hard it would be to do this. I would have about 80k startup capital and would begin by trading my own money. Is this a really bad life decision? Is there more schooling I should do before I begin on this path? What is the smartest way to make this transition?

Thank you for your input.
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