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Old 09-10-2007, 07:03 PM
mpethybridge mpethybridge is offline
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Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
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Default Re: hs balla, get an apartment and GRLS LDO?!

[not having these things are among my biggest problems IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guaranteed that this is not true.

I would suggest your real problems, in order of likelihood are:

1. a desire to impress strangers on the internet with false tales of your poker success.
2. a complete lack of regard for your parents' 17 years of effort to feed, clothe and house your sorry a**.
3. seriously screwed up values if you are embarassed to bring people to your house.
4. extremely low self-esteem (not sure this is really a problem as it appears to be completely justified by your personality).
5. complete self-centeredness that has you living in a meh house in a meh neighborhood with struggling parents while you have $20,000 in an online poker account.

God, some people just suck.
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