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Old 09-10-2007, 05:07 PM
phobos phobos is offline
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Default hs balla, get an apartment and GRLS LDO?!

im currently 16 in my senior year of high school. i will be turning 17 in a few days. ive been playing holdems of the unlimited variety since february. i started at 200nl and now play 400nl. after a sick downswing and buyng a new macbook pro i have ~20k

in school ive always been kind of quiet and never really reached out to anyone. right now i live with my parents and they annoy me and worse than that i really hate my house. its not terrible but its not a place i could take a girl to (smelly annoying dogs, my parents are always home, not really that nice overall compared to kids at my private hs. its in a meh and far from great, and far from bad, neighborhood)

so i was planning on renting a $1400/mo apartment (is this enough for a nice place??) in the city overlooking water possibly. im not delusional at all and think that i should get my bankroll to at least mid five figures before embarking on an adventure like this.

some concerns of mine are:

how will my parents take it? i dont really want to worry about what people think about me and so i shouldnt care what they think. i will be moving out in a year for college anyway.

will i be able to rent a place at 17 if i pay cash up front? would i need a fake id or would even that not work?

would i be lonely?

food and furnishings and sick widescreen tv may be expensive

some of the benefits in my mind are:

freedom to do what i want when i want.

power to invite friends who have never hung out with me to my sick place for parties and other things. and improve my social life. the presence of people my own age and lack of parents who depress may actually help me feel less lonely.

i dont really hang out with people outside of school and having a place to invite people may really help. plus with my parents not around i can be looser with my friends and not worry about them invading

and ultimately i want to improve my chances of getting laid. as i said i could never take a girl to my own house so getting an apartment works well for this for privacy and a great material brag.

i know im forgetting several things so please point out any flaws and why you think this is a good idea

also, eddie vedder had is own place in hs so i should too, especially since im MUCH richer than he was
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