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Old 09-10-2007, 03:46 PM
Hey_Porter Hey_Porter is offline
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Default Re: iPhone vs iPod Touch: What say you EDF?

I might be that I just don't understand the technology, but won't the internet aspects of the iTouch be severely less beneficial than the iPhone's due to connectivity? Again, I just might not understand something, but doesn't the iPhone connect through two ways: 1) wifi 2) through ATT's network? Without the network connection option, it seems like the need to be a in a place with wifi/free wifi severely limits the iTouch's coolness.

Aside from that, the size limitation will stop me from getting the iTouch. I have a 5-year old 15gb, and while it works fine, I plan on upgrading because I have about 40gb of music, and want it all on there. I'm sure it sounds stupid to some, but I'm the type of person whose listening preferences vary, and want to have everything accessible. Especially if the internet thing is an issue, I'll be upgrading to a 80gb "classic" for relative pennies.
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