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Old 09-10-2007, 01:17 PM
Aloysius Aloysius is offline
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Default Re: Help me build a culinary tool kit

I third the Microplane rec. That thing makes me want to grate cheese all day.

Gildwulf - here's a good EDF thread discussing cooking knives.

I'm not a professional chef by any stretch, so take my recs with a grain of salt. But I really like my Shun Santoku (I use it as an all purpose chef's knife) and the 3.5" Wusthof paring knife SamIAm recs in the linked thread I picked up and must say it is pretty awesome.

But my gut says that for your class, go with some cheapo Dexter-Russell knives - they're great knives and you'll probably have access to sharpeners (which is my only issue with the knives, they lose their edge pretty quickly, well that and weighting cause it's a plastic handle).

SamIAm - I randomly picked up those Oxo tongs at Target a while ago and I am happy with them.

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