Thread: Convert me.
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Old 09-10-2007, 08:49 AM
DrunkHamster DrunkHamster is offline
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Default Re: Convert me.

AS&U is a good book, but as others have said I don't think it will push you over the edge towards full on AC (if nothing else because Nozick argues for an ultra minimal state). You might also find the style a bit too much - it is very philosophically flashy, which I know some people find very irritating. However, there are some great arguments in there, in particular the demolition of the whole Rawlsian original position and the "liberty upsets patterns" Wilt Chamberlain argument.

The Machinery of Freedom is also great. It's essentially a defence of AC from entirely utilitarian grounds (without any Austrian economics to boot) - and you get the impression Friedman doesn't care much for the whole natural rights approach either. So if you're all in favour of AC in principle, but have some doubts about its practicality, this is the book to read.
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