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Old 09-10-2007, 01:07 AM
MagicNinja MagicNinja is offline
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Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Default Re: Introducing a kid to good music


just play them the beatles over and over again. seriously.

when i was a kid (like 10 y/o) my parents had some old beatles records lying around and i'd listen to em sometimes. i didn't know anything about the band at all, i didn't really care either, i was only a kid. anyway, as i got older i started actually caring about music, but i kinda forgot about the beatles, and throughout my teenage years i never really went back to them. it wasn't until college that i "discovered" them again, and suddenly they dominated my cd player for months at a time. it was like all those melodies that i heard years earlier were dormant seeds that'd been germinating for all that time and finally sprouted.

whatever, nevermind the clumsy metaphor, just get the beatles inside their heads, they'll appreciate you for it.

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