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Old 09-09-2007, 10:47 PM
timmay28 timmay28 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 237
Default My wtf moment last night at the bar

So I'm sitting there talking to a group of 3 fairly good looking chicks at an underground club a few blocks from my university.. guess you would rate them 7-8ish. We were just bs'ing really, not any heavy flirting. A smoking hot brunette with a cowboy hat is sitting a few seats down from us and is staring at me the entire time. At first I don't think much of it, as I said to myself "no effing way she really wants me". I'm pretty sloshed at this point too. At some point between talking to the 3 girls I managed to make my way to the seat next to the hottie. We then chatted a little bit and somewhere along the line she said "you're cute because you're so AVERAGE looking" WTF?

Then she went on to say I looked like a guy in a movie called Empire Records. I forget which actor she said it was. Anyhow, I just talked to her tonight on the phone and the conversation went surprisingly well and she wants to meet again sometime. She said she used to be on the dance team for the Baltimore Ravens and is now a bartender/manager at a bar a few miles away.

Anyhow, this should be interesting, I might update later on where this goes.
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