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Old 09-09-2007, 09:47 PM
shuinthehouse shuinthehouse is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 193
Default Re: mmmmmm, Sunday

FTP .5/1 tables were all sub 30 % flop today, 1/2 had several in high 30's, so I took my first crack at 1/2 after 35k hands of breakeven .5/1. Seems all you read are complaints about running bad when someone first moves up, I got hit with the deck for 60 BB's in 250 hands. I'm about 20/11/2.5 at .5/1, was 19/13/4.3 with 72% showdowns won. But besides that, not only are there as many bad players at 1/2 as .5/1, there are fewer good players. Often half the table was 30+ VPIP and other half was <15, at .5/1 usually half are 20/10 TAGS.