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Old 09-09-2007, 09:24 PM
mason55 mason55 is offline
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Default Re: Introducing a kid to good music

Just play different stuff until they ask about it. They won't enjoy it if you're forcing it on them, just like kids and books or kids and vegetables. <u>They need to think it's their idea.</u> That's how kids work.

If your taste in music is as good as you think it is then you have a large library of stuff from different genres and not just the latest indie rock darlings. Spend lots of time with them and play random things. Eventually you'll get a feel for what they like and you can tell them about it and play more stuff along the lines of what they like. Once they get a little older they'll start seeking out new stuff.

Remember though that some people just don't care. I've gone this route with people before. Some people end up turning into music freaks and others are happy to continue listening to Mtv. Don't be a dick and think less of your siblings if they just want to listen to top 40. All you can do is give them a chance. And remember that forcing stuff on them will just push them away.

Be aware though that they sound like they're too young to really appreciate the subtle differences between good and bad music. Plus peer pressure is very strong at that age so they're going to be pressured to listen to what their friends listen to, which is going to be Mtv/Clear Channel.
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