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Old 09-09-2007, 08:40 PM
4CardStraight 4CardStraight is offline
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Default Re: low M, 88 in the sb vs early position raise

Resteal as opposed to Stop And Go.

We prefer stop and go when:
A: Our stack sizes mean we have little to no Fold Equity.
B: We may well be behind his range.
C: Our stack size combined with current strength of our cards demands we play, from the SB/BB.

Here, I prefer a reshove.

A: We do have some fold equity. His stack size is quite large compared to ours, so that sometimes means he would be willing to call us with trashier cards, our 25K is sufficiently large tho, that he is not priced in in nearly all cases. Thats one of the primary reasons to SNG as opposed to reshove.
B: We are likely ahead. We prefer SNG when we might be behind atm.
C: Our stack size demands we play these cards, and we are in SB/BB, but our 88 is ahead of his range, he might call with trashy cards *NOW* but fold post flop, thus we prefer to shove now.

In short, SNG is preferred when our cards are good but not great, when our stack size garners little to no fold equity now, but possibly will generate some post flop. Here our cards are simply too good for SNG. I would maybe SNG here with 33, if I had half this stack.

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