Thread: Charlie Weis
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Old 09-09-2007, 11:09 AM
Dudd Dudd is offline
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Default Re: Charlie Weis

Willinghams recruiting was mostly confined to his first year, ranked 12th before the best player in the class, G-regg, transferred to Miami before making it through his first fall camp, followed by classes ranked 32nd and 40th according to rivals, although that one was partially shared by Weis who did the best he could while still coaching the Pats until after the Super Bowl. In addition to not being talented overall, many of them either quit the team or transferred, and I believe there are only 7 scholarship seniors on the team. It doesn't excuse the fact that the young talent we do have in the freshman and sophomore class looks terrible, but it's hard to compete with a 7 man senior class and a junior class that's not much better. We're essentially playing with 5th years, freshman, and sophomores with a sprinkling of juniors and seniors, who should make up the core of the team.
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