Thread: herd mentality
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Old 09-09-2007, 10:45 AM
smurfitup smurfitup is offline
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Default Re: herd mentality

i think we all (consciously or not) subscribe to social norms to some extent--there are beliefs and styles of thought that have been transmitted to us through every conceivable medium and it's a hard task to suddenly uproot the cumulative effect that these norms have had on your life. even the very act of questioning is something that has probably been transmitted to you by your parents or peer group or whatever. and yeah, i do agree that actively trying to rebel against the herd mentality defeats its purpose.

that all being said, it is astonishing to see how little self-reflection people have that they never question the effect that culture has had on them and the extent to which they live according to society's/their parents' prescriptions. this is especially shocking in the US where there is ostensibly a high level of individuality. anyways, i'm really rambling. i don't think it's possible to escape flocking together and i see no need to make the attempt if, upon self-evaluation, you realize that your individual values, desires, beliefs, etc. more or less align with those of your culture.
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