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Old 09-08-2007, 03:43 PM
CheckCheckFold CheckCheckFold is offline
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Default Re: Dealing with moron neighbors

Okay, I tend to stay out of threads where the stupid and entitlement quotients are this high, but here goes.

I feel qualified to comment on this because
1. I have 2 kids 9 and 23 months
2. I grew up living in a cul-de-sac

OP, you are the dum. Just because other people let their kids play in the street, in other neighborhoods, has no bearing on wether or not your kids should be playing in the street. You say there is an issue with people running the stop sign. So you know there is a potential danger, and instead of reacting to said danger (like making your kids ride their bikes in the driveway, a perfectly reasonable option) you insist that you have the right to be in the street.

WHY? the law says that cars should yield the right of way to a pedestrian, if you are playing in the street you are not a pedestrian, you are an obstacle. If your kids are riding their bikes in the street are they obeying all traffic laws, going one way, staying to the edge of the street? I doubt it, so they are breaking the law just as much as the asstard who ran the stop sign.

You seem to think your kids are entitled to play in the street, just because they do it, and you are there to see it, they are not. The street is not a park, it's not a play land, its a street, for cars to drive on. Teaching a 4 year old that it is OK to play in the street just reinforces to them that this is a place to play, and increases the liklihood that they will make a bad decision to play in a busier road and get hurt.

Is the driver who ran the stop sign right, hell no, stupid kid should be more careful, but your kids should not be in a position where a person using the road for what it was intended (to drive a car on) could hurt your child.

You are both wrong, the mom sounds like a fruitcake, and I won't discuss her, but you are not in the right here, get your kids the hell out of the road until they are old enough to understand the degree of resonsibility that playing in the street requires (FYI my oldest just turned 9 and this is the first year he gets to ride his bike in the street, in a residential neighborhood, with very low traffic).

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