Thread: Mid pair 3-way
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Old 09-08-2007, 02:58 PM
detruncate detruncate is offline
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Default Re: Mid pair 3-way

Well, BU seems legally retarded so I don't hate 3-betting to try to get it HU since he's often on a draw of some sort and we have outs vs 2-pair type hands. I'm totally cool with exploiting the handicapped. I also steal candy from babies whenever possible. They have a surprisingly strong grip, though.

Anyway... CO also might 3-bet if we just coldcall, since he presumably knows that we know what's going on in BU's brain (or more to the point, what isn't). We wouldn't hate it if CO folded overs here, especially single spades, and we might even freeze up an overpair. That has to weighed against the probability of being capped (by either opponent), which seems high even though our c/3b line is usually something that makes people take notice.

In the flow of the game I probably would have cc'ed, but I like a 3-bet to try to get it HU vs BU. When behind we usually have quite a few outs, and this could be all sorts of sketchy draws. Might as well invest a little more and then concentrate on getting to showdown inexpensively if it gets HU and we don't improve.
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