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Old 09-08-2007, 02:00 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Should Vice Principal Lose Her Job? - (*Warning-Gruesome topic\")

I thought Ohio had laws against negligence and child endangerment.

Why isn't this woman being prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter and the above?

I don't know if I could justify firing her, as this isn't work-related, but I don't deny the people's concern. I certainly would not trust my children under this woman's care. If she can't take care of her own children, then she can't take care of mine.

The underlying problem is that she does work in administration, and that is an indirect impact on the children. If she was the cook, or a teacher, I would have greater concern.

I think that the way that the school is handling this is horrible, calling people "mob mentality." I can't understand why they don't see your perspective. I would be more inclined to take my kid out of this school, especially if I was paying for it, since it is clear that they have no care for kids or the parents.

I don't get protocols. I understand the underlying spirit of them, and they are put in place for a reason. The problem is that small minded people misinterpret them and then hide behind them to decline making tough decisions. But there should be protocols that people should meet certain eligibility requirement to not only receive the job, but to maintain it as well. From this perspective, I could say that she should lose her job.

Sorry about the woman, but I hope that the state is taking away her other child. Why wasn't anyone calling the state for her child? I doubt that this is the only example of blatant negligence.
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