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Old 09-08-2007, 08:02 AM
dreq dreq is offline
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Default Re: Tales of Revenge

This has happened so long ago I am not sure what caused it. I think it was maybe spiking a drink with extra alcohol. I don't know what started the fight, but I know what finished it.

Senior year of college Easter Break. My friend Mich and I put a TV in the hallway of the second floor, Just outside Bob's bedroom door. We put in the tape of death, all three starwars films back to back to back. We systematically take a 4 foot pile of wall street journals that we have been saving for weeks. We crumble up each sheet of paper into a ball and toss it into his room. Using some plywood, we fill his room, completely. The last piece of plywood was put with a 2 foot gap at the top. After 2 plays through the tape the room was full.

Bob's mind was broken on Easter Monday.
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