Thread: More Bonds
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Old 09-08-2007, 12:37 AM
RedBean RedBean is offline
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Default Re: More Bonds


It's a little late, but the instant I read this I thought. I bet RedBean would be willing to do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just give it time. When the farce that is the investigation ends courtesy of the statute of limitation expiration next fall.....Bond's story will be told.

The relationship between Bonds and the media was always tedious, even before the the investigation began in 2000, and the 2003 GJ testimony.

The media has been getting their shots in why they could for the past 4 years, knowing he was unable to respond pending the GJ seal and the ongoing investigation that is attempting to rob him of his freedom.

Some of them have even started slowing down and backtracking knowing that the free ride is almost over, and the muzzle is to come off soon.

You just don't stew over this type of ridiculous vitriol directed your way on a national media level without loading up for bear and preparing to go to war once you get the green light.

As Bonds himself said when asked if we would ever hear his responses to the hate..."My time will come."

For starters, look for more details regarding agent Jeff Novitsky and the early stages of the investigation, and how it grew out of an unnatural obsession of Bonds by the IRS agent, who happened to work out at his gym.

It started off looking into Bonds for tax evasion, and branched into every direction imaginable....not targeting a specific crime, but instead, a specific person and then hoping to find a crime...any pursue him for.

Jonathan Littman interviewed three fellow IRS agents who worked with Novitsky, and were disturbed at the manner in which the investigation spiraled, along with jurisdicitonal concerns witht he IRS eventually investigating steroids. Agent Ira White, for example, recounted this conversation from 2000, three years prior to the Balco grand jury.

"That Bonds. He's a great athlete," White says Novitzky told him. "You think he's on steroids?"

White replied "I think they're all on steroids. All of our top major leaguers."

Novitzky seemed to care only about Bonds. "He's such an [censored] to the press," he said. "I'd sure like to prove it."

And on that day 7 years ago began the "official investigation" with Novitsky setting about on his own to rummage through the Balco dumpsters.

Novitsky is also the author of the Grimsley Report, an investigation in Arizona, that was originally pursued with much fanfare as an attempt to get Grimsley to implicate Bonds, and pretty much buried after he only implicated 20 other major leaguers not named Bonds, but did include Clemens.

Novitsky had a hand in the Met's clubbie indictments and plea, in New York....and was a part of the raids last Feb. on the Florida Pharmacy that recently rolled up Rodney Harrison, Glaus, Ankiel....etc

Novitsky is chasing his white whale going on 7 years, and in less than a year, it all crumbles apart....with no trophy on the mantle....and the defiant angry black man allowed to finally speak.

Stay tuned folks. They had their shots. But his time will come.
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