Thread: More Bonds
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Old 09-08-2007, 12:09 AM
RedBean RedBean is offline
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Default Re: More Bonds

Has it been established that Bonds used the cream and the clear?

[/ QUOTE ]


It has been highly <u>speculated</u> that the clear-like substance he believed to be flaxseed oil was the same substance as "the clear".

Circumstantial at best.

Likely? Maybe so.

Established fact? Nope.

Remember, just because you draw the conclusion that the clear-like substance believed to be flaxseed oil "must be the same" as THE CLEAR....doesn't make it an established fact....especially when the defense is disputing the assertion, and they haven't been provided a chance to present their case.

Greg Anderson and Victor Conte have both testified under oath that they supplied THE CLEAR (THG) to several of the known athletes involved in the BALCO investigation, and they also testified and are on record as saying they never provided that substance to Barry Bonds.

And unfortunately for the government, Greg isn't ever getting back on the stand to clarify Bonds testimony.
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