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Old 09-07-2007, 05:25 PM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: It Wouldn\'t Take Much

He uses this tactic as a way of refuting Gould's Non-Overlapping Magisteria idea, and I think he is correct. The God that most Christians claim to believe in is a scientifically testable entity, whether they want to admit it or not. They must answer this question: Would there be any conceivable way to tell the difference between a Universe where God existed or one where he did not? If they say yes, God is testable, if they say no, God is irrelevant.

There are workarounds to this problem, NotReady would probably claim that the question is invalid in that "Universe in which God doesn't exist" is a meaningless phrase. Thats fine, I don't think this argument is the Great Disproof of God, but its still a valid objection, IMO and something Christians should have to have an answer for.
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