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Old 09-07-2007, 03:18 PM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: Let players use drugs.

So what about the athletes that don't use drugs, they are at a disadvantage becasue they don't want to hurt their body long term? What about all the kids that would start doing steroids?
In attempt to be open minded about the situation, you are being very close minded and only focusing on one aspect

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What about them? Too bad for them. There are lots of unpleasant things people are asked to do in order to make it at the highest level. If the risks behind taking steroids are worth the rewards, then do it. If they aren't, then don't. Pretty simple. You think someone is entitled to the millions of dollars that comes with being a top athlete without taking the risks? Football players give years of their lives (if not actual years, than certainly quality of life years) and we cheer. Apparently they think its worth it. If they don't, there are other careers.

I don't really know what to say about your "but what about kids who use steroids" comment. I suppose make them illegal for those who are under 18? If they are over 18, they aren't kids, and they are responsible for their own decisions and choices. I'm not interested in protecting people from making tough choices, or making them for them based on my preferences.

But the reason we hate steroids so much is because we have this cute, romantic ideal of what makes up "human achievement" and we somehow think steroids and HGH are so very different from insane workout programs and nutrition and training. They all alter body chemistry to achieve a certain result. People think steroids are taking the easy way, I guess, although if they are really so dangerous, it obviously isn't the "easy way." Whatever. I'd be fine with drugs being legalized or allowed in major sports. Let adults make their own choices, and we all get to watch and see what human beings can really do.
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