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Old 09-07-2007, 12:39 PM
DMC0627 DMC0627 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Default Re: Problem with husband of friend - need advice please

Hi All,

I am back on and caught up. I don't want to keep defending the OP. The bottom line is that I am a fairly private person and didn't want to talk to anyone about this as it was embarrassing to me. I do like the anonymity of the internet.

I took most of the advice (appreciated) by telling the wife what happened, and I also let a friend out of state have the info just in case. I know a lot of people will think its wrong, but I considerered it strongly and decided not to go to the police. I just really don't think I could handle that. Also, what it would seem like at this point (IMO) is that I was making it up AFTER the fact and after the wife confronted me.

Just an FYI, the Idol posts are all mine, I have had some paranormal stuff happen but didn't want to post it here. The other stuff isn't me. Some people will and some people won't believe it, I am not going to knock myself out trying to convince people who have decided its a gimmick account.

I honestly don't see what is so unbelievable about my friend going away, her husband grabbing me and making a pass, and then him being a jerk the next day? Anyway, thanks to all who gave advice.
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