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Old 09-07-2007, 05:30 AM
saucyspade19 saucyspade19 is offline
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Default Re: X-Post: Man arrested for not showing officer his License

lol at this story. Once I read ACLU in the opening paragraph, somehow I knew what was coming. So instead of opening his bag and going with standard procedure, he decided to take a stand against a business (wouldn't the more effective stand be not giving them his money?), [censored] with people, and he get what he deserves. Good, well done, douche. This is what is [censored] wrong with this country, this is why there is 2 lawyers for every 1 person. Because every liberal idiot who thinks they are cleverly going to stick it to the man files a frivolous lawsuit that they were responsible for, and tie up the courts, and slow down society. gg. I hope he goes to jail and tries to pull some cute stuff there.

"but it creates an atmosphere of obedience which is a dangerous thing."

enjoy life.

This pathetic idiot is going to spend his life getting fired and hating america and having everyone around him despise him. awesome.
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