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Old 09-06-2007, 11:58 PM
Rush17 Rush17 is offline
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Default Re: Line check Stud/8

Third's a call. I prefer a raise on 4th; it gives you information about the bring-in's hands (ie; if he just has to call 1 bet, then it's hard to tell if he actually does have something or if he's just fishing for a card because the betting is still cheap at this point). Also, (and perhaps even more importantly),although you were drawing to a straight, the low draw by itself is not a good one. For that reason, I want to MAKE SURE that if anyone behinds me wants to peel a card, then they are going to have to put in 2 bets to do so. I'll give an example of what I mean only because the game is new to you. Say the Ace has 2 low cards in the hole. Well, even though he caught a high card on 4th street, he might call 1 bet just to see if he can catch another low card on 5th street and have something to shoot for. But, if I know that he's likely to call 1 bet, then I'd absolutely raise 4th street with your hand because your low hand won't play as well if it's up against another low draw unless he's drawing to an 8.

5th and 6th are fine. The lead out river bet is Ok, too, but I have to wonder where you put everyone at in this hand, because, the way this hand played out (and particularly at the river)I'm surprised that you took on the last bet. Unless you're playing with poor players, I wouldn't be the least surprised if you got none of this pot. Thing is, if your straight winds up not being good, then your low is in deep doo-doo (if anyone else has a low, unless it's an 8 low, you have the worst 7 low you can have). I think your biggest fundamental mistake was not putting your opponents on a range of hands, not to mention, that being new to stud8 makes it even harder to understand why your type of hand may need to tread a little lighter at the river against 3 other players.
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