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Old 09-06-2007, 04:38 AM
Heisenb3rg Heisenb3rg is offline
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Default Re: those who do, do.... those who can\'t teach

When im sitting in my local 2/5 NL game and I hear arugments breaking out about how NL is such a more complex game, and limits so easy.. I have to control myself from laughing out loud in their faces..

These people couldnt play either game well if their live depended on it... Yet they try to seem all "superior" cause they play a "more complex game".
My 9 year old cousin can play no limit holdem, doesnt mean shes any good at it (shed p0wn the 2/5 game tho).

Most (all?) mid-high stakes NL pros with zero fixed limit experience would probabily be a losing player in a 2/4 FL game.