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Old 09-06-2007, 03:02 AM
xPeru xPeru is offline
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Default Re: Sit \'n Go Strategy study group -- Part 2: Mid Blind Play

Hi Pudge, I want to reply not because I know a good answer, but because I think the criticism will be useful:

1. All depends on reads I have on SB & BB;

QTs, 22, I will steal with if I don't think SB & BB will resteal. I don't like stealing with the low As because if I'm flat called, then I don't like the risk of being dominated and probably have to throw away my hand if it hits. With 2 players left to speak, there is a 90ish% chance my 22 is the only pair and so I am happy to c-bet a neutral flop if I'm called and it checks to me. In fact, I probably shove a non-scary flop in this situation. With QTs, I'm done with the hand unless I hit a pair or a decent draw, in which case I shove if checked to me, and fold if he donkbets.

If SB and BB have very low aggro stats <1ish, I will call 2 or more limpers with QTs, 22, A2s. Not 100%, but fairly often depending on the quality of the limpers(!). I need a very good flop to stay in thereafter. eg FD with two overs, two pair or my set. I'm not convinced this is cEV+, but when the hand does hit, it's pretty much a double up and a guaranteed ITM finish, so I think it adds maybe 1 ITM finish in 30.

With aggressive SB/BB, I'm tightening up my range for the steals and not calling limpers. If I get in the pot with 3 limpers, I'm going all-in PF, and so I will tighten my range substantially, 99+, AQ+.
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