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Old 09-06-2007, 12:01 AM
guids guids is offline
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Default A story about my grandpa

In light of the post TSC posted that really got me down, and brought up some tough memories, I figure Id post a story from earlier today:

We had to take my grandpa to the hospital yesterday, he is getting up there in age, and has been having some troubles with his health. He has trouble walking because his knee is the size of a cantelope because its filled with fluid. My gramps is a straight laced SOB, war hero, double masters degree, prescribed drugs in hollywood to half of the starlets in the 50s, and the likes of joey bishop, and sammy davis. He was never the joking type, but today we went to visit him, my mom left the room, and he asked me to shut the curtain to his bed so he could stand up and take a piss. He gets up, and alarms start going off because he is not allowed to walk around because of fear of lawsuits/him getting hurt. Two nurses come in to check on him as he is taking a piss, one is really hot, and the other is no slouch (not to mention that there is a guy in the bed next to him, w/ his family visiting, and two underage but decent looking daughters), when he finished one of the nurses asked if he wanted her to put his catheter back on (external/condom like, not the interal one)....he says "Ya, sure, thatd be great, but..hon....I dont have much of a pecker", and becaause he is going deaf, he said it none to quietly...this elicited tons and tons of muffled laughter from the family next to us, I was about to cry, and the nurse was stunned, while the other had to leave the room because she started choking because she was laughing so hard. I look at my gramps, and he has a smirk....than I say "hey grandpa, at least let them know that it doesnt run in the family will ya?" than the whole place lost it, Ive never seen my grandpa laugh so hard (hell, even laugh for that matter). when he goes, it will probably be the thing I remember most.
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