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Old 09-05-2007, 10:04 PM
kerowo kerowo is offline
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Default Re: iPhone vs iPod Touch: What say you EDF?

The iTouch is going to stay flash based for the same reason as the iPhone: battery life. SSHD are getting bigger but are still expensive. It may be another generation before you see an iTouch hit 32G.

The interesting price point is the 8GB iTouch. There doesn't seem to be much reason to get one of these. You can either upgrade to the same size phone or twice the size iTouch for a hundred bucks. I don't see the point in this one and wouldn't be surprised if a 16GB iPhone comes out before Xmas.

There is a pretty large difference between 8 and 16GB as far as planning is concerned. I have the songs I listen to and 4 movies on the 8GB phone and would love to not have to make as many decisions before a trip.
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