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Old 09-05-2007, 09:57 PM
PantsOnFire PantsOnFire is offline
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Default Re: My opinion was different than others, but same as the floors....??


Dealer, what is she doing?
Dealer, is that a call?

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I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is a dealer not controling the game. According to the OP no one said anything until after she had finished counting her chips. So if the dealer thought she was raising why should the dealer speak up. (Ok the reaso would hgave spoke up is because there was a point I would consider it a string bet, but many people on this board seem to feel string bets should not be called by the dealer).

Its only at the point that she is done that dispute arises and the dealer called the floor. So if you are from the camp that believes string bets should be player called I don't see how you could fault this dealer.

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Yes, you're right. The dealer should just wait to see what Player 3 is doing. After a certain amount of time, he should ask her what her intentions are though. We weren't there so we can't really know the timeline.

However, this is the part that gets me:

....she pauses for a second, then player 2 wants to know what she's doing. Then player 1 says that what she just did constitutes a call. Player 3 says she was counting her chips and she's still deciding her action. Player 2 now says that she has to at least call the additional raise. The floor is called and while we're waiting on the floor player 3 mucks her hand.

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This description seems to imply that those two players took over the calling of the rules. Of course, we can't be sure that's exactly how it went down. In general, I don't like players telling another player what they should or shouldn't do and that's really why I am on the side of Player 3 here. And if all this took place exactly described, I would have to lay some fault on the dealer.
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