Thread: LionelHutz00
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Old 09-05-2007, 07:21 PM
El Diablo El Diablo is offline
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Default Re: LionelHutz00


That is a good attitude. Once you don't know how to respond, just say you've made your point and are done. Bravo.

What's your point? That no matter what anyone posts, they should always be given chances? Here's what you don't get. Allowing people to always have a second chance leads to crappy posters emulating those behaviors. And that creates the cycle which leads to the pain-in-the-ass problems Gild is talking about.

It's best for the site that people know that certain things aren't tolerated. Years of experience here have made it abundantly clear to me that 2+2 will not lose any valuable contributors by adopting that type of attitude.
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