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Old 09-05-2007, 07:15 AM
JammyDodga JammyDodga is offline
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Default Re: AQsuited - multiway - deep

Well thanks for all your advice guys.

I think I should have raised big on the flop, and got them all in if anyone raised...

However as played, I think a cold call of his re-raise would have been better. Although the above would be ideal way to play, the way it panned out gave me some extra information, which should have made me change my play.

Nearly everything is indicating that he has a real strong hand.
1. He re-raises relatively small (8k) compared to the pot and my raise i.e he doesn't really seem to be trying to push me off and wants a call.
2. The bet is still pretty big in general - i.e. he is pretty serious about the hand
3. He's betting into a dry pot, so he's got a good made hand and is trying to get more money in there, not just bluff to win the money already in.
4. The pot was multi-way to the flop, so I don't think he can think a low single pair would be that good.

The only option other than a made hand would be a double draw, 10,j spades... and this is very very specific. Theres a lot more options for two pair or trips.

That said, the small raise with a flush draw on the board does indicate that he's no that strong, but I think everything else points the other way. It could mean he's willing to take the risk for a big pot, rather than just take down whats there already. He could also have just made a mistake.

Next, we are both pretty deep. Although I'm not chip leader or anything, I have a lot of chips, and I really don't want to be getting it all in as a dog, even with great odds, and based on the above, I think my FE is pretty much zero.

If I flat call here, I'm getting straight odds to hit my flush, and can give up on the turn if he pushes, when I wouldn't have the odds. I know this seems pretty nitty, but I think people take the whole pot-committed thing too far. When you are as deep as this, you have to be willing to get away from some hands if its not right.

My only problem with the above, is although i think its logical, I could be being affected by results.

What actually happened was I pushed all in after his RR, he called instantly with trip 8s, they held up to win, improving to a FH on the river.
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