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Old 09-05-2007, 05:52 AM
Bobo Fett Bobo Fett is offline
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Default Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

And why does even this site only inform them that they are robots when they try and cash out (once again allowing them to create rake and amass a nice little wodge of cash that they can confiscate)?

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I'll let you and josem duke it out over the rest of your post, but I have a simple explanation for this part.

It seems to be fairly widely accepted that there are MANY losing bots out there. Especially from places like the botting site you mention, where I believe the individuals who pay for the software need to do the AI programming themselves.

Now let's say that a poker room is actually able to identify every single bot on its site as it plays. They let the bots play as much as they like. The losing bots, well, the benefit of everyone (except the botter of course). When the winning bot owners cash out...shut 'em down! Let them spend all of that time playing before they find out they've been busted, rather than busting them right away so they can use that same time to attempt to improve techniques to avoid discovery. Of course, to make this system fair to the players, they need to return the ill-got winnings of the bot back to the victimized players.

Of course this is overly simplistic (for example, I'm sure they can't spot every bot as soon as it sarts playing), but it illustrates some reasons why poker sites might prefer to wait until cashout time to make their move.
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