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Old 09-04-2007, 04:32 AM
bustedromo bustedromo is offline
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Default Re: Phil Laak on high stakes poker season 4

Few points:

1. Todd was messing with Laak precisely because Laak is an angle shooting scumbag. Todd is one of the true good guys in poker, and the best player at that HSP table. That wasn't a move Todd would pull on just anyone. Probably very few would deserve it, and Laak is one of them.

2. Tilly talks like a little girl.

3. Laak's "personality" really isn't. In the real world, histrionics about every little thing quickly get super old. Maybe makes good TV for the 1st time viewer or casual fan, but ultimately Laak seems only to crave attention for pointing out the obvious with overacting while playing boring nitty poker.

4. Tilly is 48 years old.
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