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Old 09-04-2007, 01:09 AM
invid invid is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 442
Default Re: Poker leading to social isolation

heres my little story...

Me and about 7 of my best friends would play every single night during a 6 month period..and by every night I mean basically at least 5 night out of the week. We would do $10 buyins and have it like a tourney style. After the 6 months most of them stopped playing, couple of them started playing golf, and the others just got over it all. Basically just me and my buddy were the only original ones left. So we started going out to casinos, we both have fake ids and at 17-18 were/are making what kids our age make in a year at some of the mid stakes to somewhat high stakes games around so cal..usually like 500nl-2knl, we play live about 3-5 times a week. We arn't that socially isolated though, I really do believe that if you start focusing 100% on poker, the rest of your life is going to go to [censored]..friends, school, family etc etc. Even though my buddy and I are known as the "gamblers, poker players etc" to just about everyone we know, we still make time for our social lives.

Over the summer I would wakup around noon, play live till about 8pm, then go out with friends..repeat repeat repeat. After like two weeks of this I did get pretty sick of poker, I was probably a winner 2/3 days playing live but I was just getting sick of sitting in a card room for 8 hours a day. Luckily for me, my first year of college just started so I can focus more on school. It was pretty weird though because for the first couple weeks of sitting in class I really was just thinking about dropping out and trying to go pro or just play poker for a couple years..see where it takes me. For a couple days I got really really serious about this idea and was actually talking to my friend about it. I realized that even though it sounds so much better right now, its going to be -EV for me in the long run if I go out into the world with just a high school diploma...companies arn't going to hire me just because I can check raise some donk...

Basically poker has only really isolated me from things that I dont even care much about anymore. So from one point of view its a good thing I guess, just as long as I stick to my original plan and I don't go officially busto..I can stop myself from going [censored] crazy
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