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Old 09-04-2007, 12:24 AM
kidcolin kidcolin is offline
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Default Re: August Monthly [censored] Thread

Normally, I fall off the wagon of eating good when something brings me down.. say like too much work. Well, I did a full week of eating healthy even though I worked a ton of hours, including an all nighter on Thurs into Friday (so ~30 straight hours at work). My only "cheats" were 3 authentic mexican tacos for dinner after work Friday (not too bad, just meat, cilantro, and onions on corn tortillas. I had two carnitas and one chicken) and a home made bacon, egg, and cheese on a croissant on Sunday. And 1 beer on Saturday.

Normally a week like that would include a giant burrito and a trip to in n out burger.

Now I just need to keep it up.
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