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Old 09-04-2007, 12:15 AM
gedanken gedanken is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 261
Default Re: realizing it\'s real money

I actually had a teacher in film school issue a lesson on separating your film budget from real money. Once it's in the production account it's NOT real money any more. It's now monopoly money. Do you have trouble buying marvin gardens because $200 is a car payment? You absolutely cannot be standing around on a student film set thinking every second that the camera is running is a bagful of groceries. It's just a finite fraction of the budget and should be judged on those terms only.

If you really can't mentally get past the $ symbol, I suppose you could play in tournaments, where it's even more of an abstraction.

I bet you'll get over this in no time, you just need to train your brain a little.
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