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Old 09-03-2007, 11:43 PM
JLaw JLaw is offline
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Posts: 130
Default Re: ($27) JJ against LAGG 2nd stack

You opened 4 off the button -- ISTM that the villain has to give you credit for a reasonable hand (unless he's not paying any attention to your play) and yet he choose to come over the top. I can't see a 26/20 doing that too liberally. Remember, he's re-raising, so you should expect to see a much narrower range of hands than he'll open with. I'd hazard TT+, AK, maybe AQ with a few others thrown in occasionally depending on his mood/phase of the moon.

By reraising half his stack, he's effectively committed to a showdown -- so you're going to have to show down the best hand. If you call, he can easily push any flop. If you push back, he's going to call.

Probably the only hand in his range you're crushing would be TT. You're behind to QQ, KK, AA, and racing AK, AQ. Overall, I think you're behind. Do you want to get all-in behind at this stage in the tourney?

If you fold, you've still got 2k, yes the blinds hit you momentarily, but you've still got plenty of chips to fight another day.

Seems like a fold to me, but maybe I'm too weak-tight at this stage.

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