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Old 09-03-2007, 08:31 PM
wtf6192002 wtf6192002 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default Re: Buying a Used car with cash

One thing for sure, you are very smart for buying used.

Anyone buying new that is on any kind of budget is throwing money away bigtime.

NEW cars depreciate 20-40% the minute you drive them off the lot and therefore buying new is one of the worst financial decisions anyone can make in their lifetimes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I want to throw up when I hear someone say this.

Ignorant people who know nothing about cars or money make comments like this.

If you buy new your car will be under warrenty for 4-5 years and 50K-100K miles depending on make and model. If you add the price of repairs in with your monthly payments then many times you are actually paying more for a used car. Slightly used is ok, but if you can afford it you will be better served to get something new.

ARE U GOING TO SELL your car 5 mins after driving it off the lot?

There is one major problem with buying used cars. You normally still have to finance the car over a 5 year period. By the time you get to year 3-4 your car is pretty old and will start breaking on you. You will not be able to sell it because you will be under-water on your loan and you will be stuck with the thing.

USED CARS ARE OK IF YOU CANT GET A NEW ONE. If you can afford a new one take advantage of the great deals available in respects to financing and rebates. You will have a good car with a great warrenty that no one else has messed with.
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