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Old 09-03-2007, 12:07 PM
Triumph36 Triumph36 is offline
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Default Re: ask me about Friedrich Nietzsche


And while Kant's moral philosophy is a worthless hole, his epistimology was pretty awesome. 'Cardo, I sincerely hope you're not a Kantian in that sense. The categorical imperative isn't that great and it goes downhill from there.

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Wow, this is really sad, as it shows such a lack of insight.
As Kant isnt my favourite thinker at all, u just can not deny that he is one of the greatest when u try to read his stuff without prejudice - and I dont only mean the short "Groundwork of the metaphysics of moral" (Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten) but especially the "Critic of pure reason" (Kritik der reinen Vernunft).
I dont know the english titels really...

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The Critique of Pure Reason is one of my favorite philosophical works. I <3 Kant's work about reason. I just think he applied the same sort of thinking to morality, where it looks foolish.

Nietschze may not have refuted the English empiricists, but he hated their way of thinking (and rightfully so). I'm sure mbillie can come up with all sorts of great Nietschze zings on what English empiricism produces.
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