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Old 09-03-2007, 03:33 AM
JammyDodga JammyDodga is offline
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Default Re: AQsuited - multiway - deep

Ok, I bet 3200 - I'm not entirely sure why, which is never good when putting money in the middle... I think it was kind of a value bet, hoping to build the pot for if I did hit the flush...

So, Hero bets 3200, everyone folds except SB who re-raises to 8000...

What does hero do now? Do you prefer the flat call or the push? The check-raise in a dry pot is pretty scary I think, its also less likely to be a draw I think because the size of the bet...

An overpair is out, as they would amost certainly have re-raise pre, altough a conservative player could very possible play 1010 for set value here...

Something like 910 suited is perhaps an option, they SB was getting good odds to call pre-flop.

Do we think SB does this witha single pair, A9 or something like that? I'm thinking a combo draw is perhaps an option, A8spades, or 10J/JQ spades...

A set is also a big possibility here, if we are looking at a very strong hand now, which wasn't strong enough to re-raise pre, we could definitely see 99, 88, 22 here.

So whats the play, call, push or fold?
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